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Privacy Policy

United Insurance Service, LTD is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to our Web site. Information gathered on our Web site is used to monitor our effectiveness in providing relevant and credible information, in answering questions, and in improving our Web site.

Information Collected

This site recognizes and collects, when possible, the domain name of a visitor's server (for example, or We do not automatically collect the full e-mail address of visitors to our Web site. The only way we obtain your name or e-mail address is when you choose to provide that information to us through our Contact Center.

Information Use

United Insurance Service, LTD does not sell, trade or rent personal information about its Web site visitors.

The information we collect about the domain name of the server from which you are visiting is aggregated and used solely to determine the number of visitors to our site each day, and sources of traffic.

E-mail addresses provided by visitors are used to respond to comments submitted through our Contact Center. If a Web site visitor asks us to send material that cannot be transmitted electronically, we will need to know the visitor's name and mailing address. We will use that information only to fulfill the visitor's request.


This Web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every Web site that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this Web site.


"Cookies" are small pieces of information that are stored by your web browser on your computer's hard drive. United Insurance Service, LTD may use cookies sparingly. Usage of cookies on our site is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser setting to prevent acceptance of cookies.

Legal Disclaimer

Though we make every effort to preserve user privacy, we may need to disclose personal information when required by law wherein we have a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a current judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process served on our Web site.

Your Consent

By using our Web site, you consent to the collection and use by United Insurance Service, LTD of the information discussed above. Changes in this policy will be posted on this page so that you may always be aware of what information is being collected, how it is being used, and under what circumstances it is being disclosed.

Your Comments

United Insurance Service, LTD welcomes your questions and comments about privacy. Please send your comments via e-mail to